Web pages created/used by Bill Murrell

Version created on 2024-05-03

  • Earthlink Webmail

  • Astronomy Picture of the Day

  • Oklahoma City Astronomy Club

  • Google's Hangouts Dialer

  • Mailchimp for Quotes of the Week

  • Chase Bank

  • BHS Classes of 1961 Reunion Page

  • BHS 1961 Classmates search sites

  • Bill's Bucket List

  • Pat's Home Page
  • To See Our New Home click here Be sure your speakers are on.

  • Search Engines I use:
  • Google's Search Engine -- Advanced

  • Google's Image Search Engine -- Advanced

  • Google Maps Search Engine -- Advanced

  • Google Flights Search Engine

  • Google Earth

  • Wikipedia's Main Page with SEARCH in Upper Right

  • Microsoft's BING Search Engine

  • Ask.Com Search Engine

  • Genealogy Site

  • Bill's experiences as a volunteer pilot for Angel Flight

  • The Airventurers Flying Club

  • Photos from our 2005 Vacation trip across the USA in our airplane are here.

  • Pictures and Links for Kenya, Tanzania, France, Norway and UK from our August, 2004 trip click here

  • Pictures and Links for Monument Valley from our July, 1999 trip click here

  • Bill and Pat went to see the flight of Space Ship One on September 29, 2004 from Mojave Airport (KMHV). To see some photos of that flight click here



  • Angel Flight Oklahoma
  • Angel Flight West

    Travel Help

  • Centers For Disease Control (CDC)

    Want to ask us a question? Contact us at the following address:

  • Bill and Pat Murrell, billmurrell2004@earthlink.net
    Updated 2022/07/07

    WEBMASTER Bill Murrell
